Reader for A1

Reader for the A1 level

    The Reader for the A1 level follows the principles of Model-based language teaching developed by the authors of the MagyarOK series.
  • This book presents 70 short texts on seven everyday life topics. The texts provide models for content (what to say about the topic) and form (how to say it). They were written by different native speakers to ensure linguistic variety. These texts offer you numerous reading and listening opportunities and allow you to review and expand the vocabulary covered in the textbook. You can use these texts as models for your own writing.
    The texts are accompanied by video and audio recordings.
  • The texts are followed by various exercises in which you can observe and practise selected aspects of the language that do not always follow well-defined rules (word order, common words, etc.). The examples listed will help you identify some of their key features and develop a „feel” for their use.
  • The last page of each summarises some of the key vocabulary covered. The verbs are marked in red to allow you to observe word order (a challenging aspect of the Hungarian language).
  • You can download the audio recordings here (in zip) :
    Audios to Chapter 2
    Audios to Chapter 3
    Audios to Chapter 4
    Audios to Chapter 5
    Audios to Chapter 6
    Audios to Chapter 7
    Audios to Chapter 8
  • You can access video recordings to selected texts here.

    Read the Preface of the book (in English from p. 5).
    Look at Chapter 4.